Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MAN Selong

  • Saprudin Efendi STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok NTB


Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has an important role in shaping students' character, both in moral and spiritual aspects. This article aims to analyze the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning process at Selong State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN), East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. This research describes how PAI learning methods, media and evaluation are applied, as well as the factors that influence learning effectiveness. The research results show that the PAI learning process at MAN Selong uses a variety of approaches, including lectures, discussions and religious practices. Apart from that, the challenges faced are limited facilities and infrastructure as well as variations in students' ability to receive the material. Therefore, a more innovative approach and contextual learning are needed to improve the quality of PAI learning.

Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Learning Process, MAN Selong, Learning Methods, Evaluation
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How to Cite
Efendi, S. (2024). Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MAN Selong. NUSANTARA, 6(3), 74-77. Retrieved from