• Syahdan Syahdan STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok NTB
  • Daeng Siti Mulkiah STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok NTB


This study aims to determine the implications, benefits and good values in dhikr and thought as part of the spiritual and intellectual experience carried out by Al-Gazali. This study uses descriptive, hermeneutic, interpretation, and content analysis methods. Then draw conclusions using the deduction method, which is a method used to draw conclusions from general descriptions to specific descriptions. Based on the study, several things were found, first; the meaning and nature of dhikr and thoughts according to Imam Al-Ghazali is to get closer, closer to the heart of all things related to Allah SWT, and imagine imagining tasbih, tahmid, tahlil, istighfar, and so on. The second; dhikr can be a therapy for mental disorders in the perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali if when dhikr/remembers Allah, remembers all His greatness, His mercy, and remembers the essence of human creation, that innasolati wanusuki wahmayaya wamamati lillahirobbil alamin (actually my prayers, my worship, my life and my death belong to Allah), then the heart will be calm because we rely on Allah SWT and are always grateful and surrender ourselves to Allah SWT. The conclusion or results obtained are that according to Al-Ghazali continuous dhikr to Allah SWT to get peace or peace of heart and soul, and thinking about the creations of Allah SWT will make knowledge increase and will make confidence more stable, faith in the Almighty Creator.

Keywords: Dhikr, Think
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How to Cite
Syahdan, S., & Mulkiah, D. S. (2023). DZIKIR DAN FIKIR DALAM PESPEKTIF IMAM AL GOZALI. PANDAWA, 5(2), 1-20. Retrieved from

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