Talk With Student: Membangun Minat Belajar Siswa pada Kurikulum Merdeka

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Anggun Variasi Islami1*, M. Abdurrahman Sunni2, Sartika Hijriati3

1 Universitas Teknologi Mataram, 2 Universitas Teknologi Mataram, 3 Universitas Teknologi Mataram


A pioneer school that will start implementing a merdeka curriculum may have many concerns. Some students of SMA IT Syaikh Abdurrahman Kotaraja have very low interest in learning, therefore the they lack paying attention on teaching and learning process. The obstacles are from the lack of school facilities and school tuition fee. The teachers have to choose school activities that require minimal costs because most of students of SMA IT Syaikh Abdurrahman Kotaraja come from underprivileged families. Therefore, by holding this student talk activity, students can understand that the teaching and learning process in merdeka curriculum is ease and more open.

Senior High School; Student; Talk; Merdeka Curriculum

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Islami, A. V., Sunni, M. A., & Hijriati, S. (2024). Talk With Student: Membangun Minat Belajar Siswa pada Kurikulum Merdeka. ALKHIDMAD, 8(1), 1-8.

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