Smiley facealKhidmad:  Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (ISSN : 2809-1272) has been published in Vol. 6 No. 2, Desember 2022. Our hope with the publication of this journal can help readers to provide insight, ideas, references, in the development educational innovations. alKhidmad journal has been indexed by MorarefGoogle Scholar, and Base.

Smiley faceAlKhidmad Journal is an interdisciplinary publication of original research and writing on education. This journal was published by LP2M STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok - NTB which was published two times a year, Juny  and December with a minimum of 5 articles. The journal aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education and plays an important role in promoting the process that accumulated knowledge, values, and skills. Scientific manuscript dealing with education topics are particularly welcome to be submitted. The journal encompasses research articles, original research report, and scientific reviews in education.


Vol 8 No 2 (2024): DESEMBER

Penambahan Tempat Sampah sebagai Wujud Implementasi untuk Menciptakan Lingkungan yang Bersih di Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya

Amalia Salsabilla1*, Rizma Melina Oktabian Alifani2, Rafida Febriana Widya Putri3, Rahayu Mardikaningsih4, Mujito Mujito5, Didit Darmawan6, Mohamad Djaelani7, Muhammad Catur Rizky8, Amir Bandar Abdul Majid9


10.36088/alkhidmad.v8i2.5488 , Viewed: 11 , Downloaded : 0

Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pembersihan Masjid, Pengadaan Mukena dan Sarung sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Minat Beribadah di Masjid UNSURI

Cholifatul Azizah1*, Muhammad Nabil Akmal2, Keisha Farellia Putri Lindra3, Utami Puji Lestari4, Muhammad Syaiful Anwar5, Uswatun Chasanah6, M. Sifa Fauzi Yulianis7, Ernawati Ernawati8, Asnal Mala9, Siti Kholidatur Rodliyah10, Sunoto Sunoto11


10.36088/alkhidmad.v8i2.5482 , Viewed: 6 , Downloaded : 3
10.36088/alkhidmad.v8i2.5537 , Viewed: 0 , Downloaded : 0
10.36088/alkhidmad.v8i2.5544 , Viewed: 0 , Downloaded : 0
10.36088/alkhidmad.v8i2.5545 , Viewed: 0 , Downloaded : 0
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