Pengabdian Masyarakat: Branding Desa Banyu Urip Menuju Desa Wisata Unggulan

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Zul Haeri1*, Neni Suryanirmala2

1 Universitas Teknologi Mataram, 2 Universitas Teknologi Mataram


Banyuurip Village is located in Gerung Subdistrict, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Banyuurip has significant potential to be developed as a cultural and nature-based tourism village. However, the lack of a strong village identity, minimal promotion, and low community involvement are barriers to its development. This community service initiative aims to assist Banyuurip Village in becoming a leading tourism village by establishing relevant branding as a tourism destination, raising community awareness, and introducing digital-based promotion strategies. Through a participatory approach, this program successfully identified the village's tourism potential, built a branding identity, and provided training in digital promotion. The results showed a 15% increase in tourist visits and a 17% boost in local economic income. Effective branding, supported by community engagement and digital technology, has proven to enhance tourism appeal and strengthen the local economy.

Community Service, Tourism Village Branding, Banyuurip

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How to Cite
Haeri, Z., & Suryanirmala, N. (2024). Pengabdian Masyarakat: Branding Desa Banyu Urip Menuju Desa Wisata Unggulan. ALKHIDMAD, 8(2), 84-92.
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