Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah pada Sekolah SMA Tunas Daud Mataram Kelas XII NTB

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Zul Haeri1, Muhamad Yunus2

1 Universitas Teknologi Mataram, 2 Universitas Teknologi Mataram


Reading problems are a problem faced by all students. Education that always demands changes and good final results as a learning achievement process. A school is an institution for students teaching students/students under the supervision of a teacher. Schools provide formal education levels, either in the form of public or private schools. Every world of education experiences the problem of the low level of students' ability in literacy. The results showed that in school literacy learning. The problems faced include; low interest in reading students, lack of reference and mastery of teachers in making scientific papers. Students are faced with laziness and leave literacy slowly. This service activity focuses on training in writing scientific papers that produce a work.

Training, Scientific Writing

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How to Cite
Haeri, Z., & Yunus, M. (2022). Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah pada Sekolah SMA Tunas Daud Mataram Kelas XII NTB. ALKHIDMAD, 6(1), 70-80.
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