Ilmu Pengetahuan dalam Diskursif Pendidikan Islam “Suatu Kajian Epistemologis”

  • Yuliana Susanti STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok NTB


Knowledge is a system of various knowledge, each of which is about a certain field of experience arranged in such a way according to certain principles, until it becomes a unity, a system of various knowledge that each is obtained as a result of careful checks carried out by using certain methods (induction, deduction). There are two kinds of scientific objects, namely material objects and formal objects. Material objects are all fields or materials which are subjected to the investigation of a science. While formal objects are material objects that are highlighted in a science, so that one science is distinguished from another, if it has the same material subjects. In broad outlines the objects of science are nature and humans. therefore, there are experts who divide science into two major parts, namely natural science and human science. The science of Islamic education is a paradigm or model of education that refers to the values ​​of Islamic teachings, which make the Qur'an and as-sunnah as a formal and amterial source of education. Therefore, in Islamic education, there are three components that are very important and mandatory, namely. First, the education. Namely teachers, religious teachers, scholars, fathers and mothers in the family, community leaders, and anyone who functions to educate themselves. Educators do several important things in relation to education, namely the act of setting an example, the act of providing guidance, and the act of directing and determining the direction that is intended in Islamic education.

Keywords: Science, Islamic Education
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How to Cite
Susanti, Y. (2019). Ilmu Pengetahuan dalam Diskursif Pendidikan Islam “Suatu Kajian Epistemologis”. BINTANG, 1(3), 366-378. Retrieved from

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