Tabligh Akbar Bersama Muhammad Ihsan Syekh dari Palestina di Desa Batunyala

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Sadrul Imam1*, Yuli Yanti Daaris2, Salmin Salmin3

1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, 2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, 3 Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram


The Tabligh Akbar activity with Muhammad Ikhsan Syekh from Palestine was held with the aim of strengthening the spirit of Islamic brotherhood and providing spiritual enlightenment to the people of Batunyala Village. The presence of Muhammad Ikhsan Syekh, a cleric who is also a living witness to the struggle of the Palestinian people, is expected to be able to build empathy and raise public awareness to care more about the global conditions of Muslims. The Tabligh Akbar activity with Muhammad Ikhsan Syekh from Palestine succeeded in increasing the faith, solidarity of the people, and social concern of the people of Batunyala Village. This event was not only a lasting spiritual moment, but also a real step in supporting the struggle of Muslims globally.

Tabligh Akbar, Muhammad Ikhsan Syekh, Palestine

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Imam, S., Daaris, Y. Y., & Salmin, S. (2024). Tabligh Akbar Bersama Muhammad Ihsan Syekh dari Palestina di Desa Batunyala. ALKHIDMAD, 8(2), 68-76.
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