Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Mendeley bagi Mahasiswa TBI IAIN Takengon

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Rahmahidayati Sari1*

1 IAIN Takengon


This community service is carried out to provide knowledge and skills for students to carry out citations and make a bibliography. The skills given to these students are that they are able to make good and correct quotations and bibliography using the Mendeley application. The service is aimed at English Tadris students in semester V of IAIN Takengon. This training is given to fifth semester English Tadris students to prepare them to make scientific work/thesis. The training is given classically by providing material on the importance of citations/citations and providing training in tutorials on how to apply the Mendeley application. From the results of this community service activity, it was found that students understood the importance of citations and they could use the Mendeley application when doing citations.

Training, Citation, Mendeley

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How to Cite
Sari, R. (2022). Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Mendeley bagi Mahasiswa TBI IAIN Takengon. ALKHIDMAD, 6(2), 102-111.
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