Pendampingan Tahfizh dengan Metode Murajaah melalui Program Ekstrakulikuler di SD IT Buah Hati Kota Padang

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Maulidani Ulfah1*, Martin Kustati2, Gusmirawati Gusmirawati3, Amelia Rezky4

1 UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, 2 UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, 3 UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, 4 UIN Imam Bonjol Padang


This assistance aims to help students memorize the Al-Quran fluently through the tahfizh extracurricular program which is specifically for Juz 30. The background to this assistance is because there are still many students who have memorized it but are not fluent when asked to recite one of the surahs that have been deposited. . So that memorizing the Koran is not attached to memory, let alone actions. The cause is the lack of repeating the memorized memory that has been deposited. Therefore, the method used in this mentoring is the Murajaah method, which is a method that is considered appropriate for overcoming this problem. The Murajaah method is a method that requires students to repeat their memorization even up to ten times in order to match their fluency when reading the Al-Quran using mushaf. This implementation method uses the PAR (Participary Action Research) methodology, an approach aimed at learning in overcoming problems and meeting the practical needs of society, as well as the production of knowledge. The result of this murajaah method assistance is that students are able to recite their memorization well and fluently so that it sticks in their minds and chests.

Extracurricular, Tahfidz, Murajaah

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How to Cite
Ulfah, M., Kustati, M., Gusmirawati, G., & Rezky, A. (2024). Pendampingan Tahfizh dengan Metode Murajaah melalui Program Ekstrakulikuler di SD IT Buah Hati Kota Padang. ALKHIDMAD, 8(2), 54-67.
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