Strategi Kaderisasi dalam Memajuan Pesantren: Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Darul Abror NW Kabupaten Lombok Tmur

  • Samsul Hadi STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok NTB


Pesantren is the most established Islamic education foundation in Indonesia since the thirteenth century and still exists today. All-inclusive Islamic schools have an important role in training, but also in political, social and social matters. This exploration is a subjective examination with a phenomenological approach. Examination information is obtained from information sources through top-down meetings and then dissected by investigating information using the Miles and Huberman model, more specifically by carrying out information reduction exercises, displaying information, and drawing/final checking. Specialists try the validity of the examination information using the source triangulation method. The research results show that Zainul Mukhlis has restored the authority of Islamic boarding schools for his children both formally and casually. Officially, the cadre formation initiative is completed by giving children the freedom to take part in the administration of the underlying Islamic boarding school, take part in associations outside the Islamic boarding school, concentrate outside the Darul Abror NW inclusive school according to the interests of each child, and effectively take part in residential school sub-unit. Meanwhile, for casual matters, authority cadre formation is carried out using guidance models and techniques. Examples and advice were given repeatedly, especially those commensurate with Zainul Mukhlis' special initiative attributes. The quality of initiative that is unique to Zainul Mukhlis is his steadfastness and high level of istiqamah.

Keywords: Strategy, Cadreization, Islamic Boarding School
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How to Cite
Hadi, S. (2024). Strategi Kaderisasi dalam Memajuan Pesantren: Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Darul Abror NW Kabupaten Lombok Tmur. PENSA, 6(1), 1-9. Retrieved from