Komunikasi Empati dalam Membangun Relasi Sosial terhadap Pengasuhan Anak dan Lansia

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Dewi Chandra Hazani1*

1 STID Mustafa Ibrahim


Empathy is one of the important elements in communication. It is the basic mode of communication, especially for adults. Empathic communication is effective when it is based on the awareness for understanding, care and attention between the communicator and communicant. The are some principles that should be applied, such as entire, morals, trying to understanding, belief, eye contact, smile, and understanding. Empathetic communication is also a process in which a person builds relationships with others through the ability to understand and feel the feelings and experiences of others. In the context of empathic communication, individuals can build better relationships with others through the use of good empathy skills, such as active listening, showing interest and concern, and expressing emotions honestly. In building social relationships through empathetic communication, individuals can improve the quality of their interpersonal relationships and create a more positive and cooperative environment.

Commucation and Empathy, Social Relations,Child and Elderly Care

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How to Cite
Hazani, D. C. (2024). Komunikasi Empati dalam Membangun Relasi Sosial terhadap Pengasuhan Anak dan Lansia. BINTANG, 6(3), 27-72. https://doi.org/10.36088/bintang.v6i3.5612
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