Pendidikan Spiritualitas Sasak dalam Dongeng

Analisis Filosofis Naskah Cerita “Tuaq Tegodek-Godek dan Tuaq Tetunten”

  • Sirajun Nasihin STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok NTB


The purpose of this paper is to describe the spiritual messages hidden behind the naive folk tales of Sasak "Tuaq Tegodek-Godek and Tuaq Tetunten" which are well known by most of the traditional Sasak people, especially in rural areas. These spiritual messages can be a good input for Islamic education, especially in fighting the rampant “tarnishing” of religious teachings in recent decades. With a philosophical analysis that is supported by various existing references, the author has succeeded in uncovering a religious moral teaching that includes religious education, ethics, culture and other social relations, especially the spiritual education of the Sasak people, with the conclusion that implementing sharia and tarekat without understanding their nature will not provide significant benefits. in daily life and on the other hand understanding the nature without implementing syareat and tarekat will not bring any benefit for the future.

Keywords: Education, Spirituality, Sasak, Fairy Tales
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How to Cite
Nasihin, S. (2020). Pendidikan Spiritualitas Sasak dalam Dongeng. PENSA, 2(2), 228-240. Retrieved from