Pelatihan Pembukuan Sederhana bagi Pelaku Usaha Kecil (Mikro) di Dusun Bore Desa Kopang Rembiga Kecamatan Kopang Lombok Tengah

  • Reny Wardiningsih UTM
  • Baiq Yuni Wahyuningsih Universitas Teknologi Mataram
  • Riris Sugianto Universitas Teknologi Mataram


The existence of Micro and Small Businesses that are resilient and resistant to economic crises can absorb labor, thereby contributing significantly to reducing unemployment. Small Business Actors in Bore Hamlet, Kopang Rembiga Village, Kopang District, Central Lombok Regency still underestimate bookkeeping and there is no separation between personal assets and business assets. Most of these business actors still tend to make decisions based on intuition and experience. The purpose of the Community Service Implementation (PKM) activities in simple bookkeeping training for Small Business Actors is to be able to make their own bookkeeping so that they are systematic and orderly in carrying out financial records so that measurable income, expenses and profits are obtained and know the development of their business. The method of implementing community service in Bore Hamlet is divided into three stages, namely the initial stage of interview and field observation, the second stage is the implementation of training, and the final stage is Mentoring as well as monitoring. The results obtained from this activity are able to increase knowledge and skills in running a business through simple bookkeeping/records that are easily applied so as to increase motivation at work.

Keywords: Simple Bookkeeping, Small Business, Training, Micro Business
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How to Cite
Wardiningsih, R., Wahyuningsih, B. Y., & Sugianto, R. (2020). Pelatihan Pembukuan Sederhana bagi Pelaku Usaha Kecil (Mikro) di Dusun Bore Desa Kopang Rembiga Kecamatan Kopang Lombok Tengah. PENSA, 2(2), 163-172. Retrieved from

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