Pembinaan Etika Sopan Santun Peserta Didik Kelas V melalui Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di SD Petukangan Utara 01

  • Ina Magdalena Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Indah Tiara Anggraini Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Selvina Salsabila Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Nabila Zahwa Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang


The purpose of this research is to take a picture of the ethical fostering of manners in students. InĀ  Civics learning in grade V SD Negeri Petukangan Utara 01, since the teacher, designing learning, implementing Civics learning, evaluating polite behavior courtesy of students, as well as students' responses to polite development done by the teacher through Civics learning. This research uses a descriptive method qualitative, data collection techniques using observation techniques, interviews depth and documentation (artifacts). The research object is a learning activity. Civics that are ongoing. The research subjects were class teachers, peers and colleagues headmaster. The data collection instrument is the researcher himself with assistance observation guidelines and interview guidelines. Data were analyzed in a narrative meaning deeply. The conclusions from the research results indicate (1) design Civics learning made by the teacher uses the BNSP syllabus. Teacher is not analyze SK and KD first. The RPP used comes from books handouts or teacher guides without an analysis of the mission values and behaviors expected of SK and KD, so that the indicators formulated do not contain polite ethics guidance manners to be done. The material is not developed contextually; (2) when learning is carried out the teacher has conducted polite behavior coaching. Gurutelah is able to motivate students to behave politely; (3) evaluation the results of polite behavior coaching have not been formally programmed, evaluation is still dominance in the evaluation of cognitive aspects, (4) students have responded positively and be active in fostering polite behavior.

Keywords: Civics, Guidance, Manners
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How to Cite
Magdalena, I., Anggraini, I. T., Salsabila, S., & Zahwa, N. (2020). Pembinaan Etika Sopan Santun Peserta Didik Kelas V melalui Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di SD Petukangan Utara 01. PENSA, 2(2), 280-294. Retrieved from

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