Implementasi Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 pada Pembelajaran PAI di SMPN 3 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta

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Winarti Winarti1*

1 UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


The research objective was to determine the 2013 Islamic Education curriculum and the inhibiting factors and solutions for implementing the 2013 Islamic Education curriculum at SMPN3 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. This research is qualitative. The techniques used were interviews and observation. Subjects in this study were curricum staff, Islamic education teachers and students. The results showed that curriculum development had been carried out properly according to the following steps: 1) PAI curriculum planning, namely making an annual program developed by the teacher, a semester program with the preparation of RPP, lesson plans were elaborated / developed from the syllabus. Weekly and daily programs, the development of which is based on the semester program. Enrichment or Improvement program. 2) The implementation of the 2013 curriculum in Islamic Education learning has been well implemented. In the learning process the teacher asks questions related to the chapter (to make the soul calmer), this is done to lure active students. 3). Evaluation. Evaluation is carried out by assessing aspects of attitudes, knowledge and skills. The obstacles in curriculum development are the facilities and infrastructure that have not been maximally fulfilled. There is a disagreement about the revised scientific approach book 2013 Curriculum, which means it is only a government project. Learning that has an understanding between students in the ability to read Al-Qur'an. The solution is given by opening the Iqra class. The Iqra class is held when learning at school finishes starting at 14.00-16.00 WIB, the school brings in teachers who are professional / proficient in mastering the Qur'an.


Education, 2013 Curriculum, PAI Curriculum Development

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Winarti, W. (2020). Implementasi Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 pada Pembelajaran PAI di SMPN 3 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. PANDAWA, 2(3), 359-374.
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