Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Kegiatan Bermain Mini Drama dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Kontekstualisasi Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Sasambo (Sasak, Samawa, Mbojo) di Ruang Kelas

  • Riris Sugianto Universitas Teknologi Mataram
  • Lalu Jaswadi Putera Universitas Mataram


This study aims to determine the students’ perceptions on performing mini-drama activities in English and contextualizing the Sasambo's (Sasak, Samawa, Mbojo) local wisdoms in English classrooms. The participants of this research were 238 1st semester students from various departments in Mataram University Academic Year 2018/2019 enrolling in English 1 course. The research data were obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The results showed that 219 students had very positive perceptions on performing mini-drama activities in Sasambo’s traditional costumes (92%); 229 students had very positive perceptions on performing mini-drama set and themed in the Sasambo’s local folklores (96.2%); and 229 students had very positive perceptions on playing mini-drama activities performed in groups of multiethnic members (96.2%). The results conclude that the students’ perceptions on performing mini-drama activities in English and contextualizing the Sasambo's local wisdoms in English classroom is very positive with the average score of 94.8%.

Keywords: Speaking, General English, Role Play, Sasambo, Local Wisdom
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How to Cite
Sugianto, R., & Putera, L. (2020). Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Kegiatan Bermain Mini Drama dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Kontekstualisasi Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Sasambo (Sasak, Samawa, Mbojo) di Ruang Kelas. PANDAWA, 2(1), 42-53. Retrieved from

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