Manajemen Hubungan Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa di SD Muhammadiyah Nitikan: Analisis Era Transisi Teknologi Pendidikan

  • Amir Abdul Aziz Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
  • Farid Setiawan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
  • Hanifah Salma Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
  • Iis Widyastuti Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta


The transition process of educational technology brings a new color to the world of education, indicating that the educational challenge is to continue to optimize the management of parent-teacher relations in the formation of student character, aiming to minimize changes in the character of students due to the educational transition process that occurs. The purpose of this study is to discuss the substance that exists in the relationship between parents and teachers at SD Muhammdiyah Nitikan, in an effort to form student character in the era of educational technology transition. This research approach uses descriptive qualitative analysis method in the form of library research. Sources of research are taken from trusted journals and literature related to the relationship between parents and teachers of Islamic religious education in the formation of student character in the era of educational technology transition, both manually and digitally. Collecting data from a natural setting and utilizing the personality of the researcher became the core instrument. This research discusses or explores problems in an orderly and easy-to-understand manner. Data analysis was carried out by means of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data is then collected and put together into a whole new concept. The results of this study are the management of parent-teacher relationships in the formation of student character in the era of educational technology transition, which can be carried out in stages including, (exploring the concept of learning and teaching according to Islam, applying approaches and methods in Islamic education, understanding the situation of character education in the era of Islamic education). educational technology transition and optimizing the education of parents and teachers). In the optimization process, it is necessary to integrate good parent-teacher relationship management and the integration of educational technology, so that it can produce innovative education in response to the educational transition process that occurs and adapts to the needs of students. So, through this integration by practicing the content of the Qur'an and hadith and always supervising students in using technology, changes in the character of students due to the transitional era of educational technology can be overcome.

Keywords: Parents and Teachers, Character, Educational Technology
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How to Cite
Aziz, A., Setiawan, F., Salma, H., & Widyastuti, I. (2022). Manajemen Hubungan Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa di SD Muhammadiyah Nitikan: Analisis Era Transisi Teknologi Pendidikan. PANDAWA, 4(1), 122-140. Retrieved from

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