Strategi Pembentukan Karakter Siswa di SD Negeri Cikokol 4

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Ina Magdalena1, Romita Umayyah Hadi2, Sarah Delilah3, Erika Puspita Dewi4

1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, 2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, 3 Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, 4 Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang


This study aims to find out whether or not the Implementation of Strategies in The Formation of Student Character. Strategy is a plan that has been made for the desired purpose. While character is the behavior of individuals who have long formed from one self. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative descriptive research types are commonly used to analyze events, phenomena, or circumstances socially. This research was conducted at SD Negeri Cikokol 4 Tangerang City, Banten Province. The results of the research were conducted by interviewing and documenting studies with several teachers at SD Negeri Cikokol 4. Based on the results of our research that the Implementation of Strategies in the Formation of Student Character in SD Negeri Cikokol 4 has been carried out with the presence of two internal and external strategies that are carried out to the maximum. The character of the students is a reflection of the future that greatly affects the nation and the country. Therefore, the Implementation of Instructional Strategies in Shaping Student Character is expected to be able to run much more in learning now and in the future.

Strategy, Character

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How to Cite
Magdalena, I., Hadi, R. U., Delilah, S., & Dewi, E. P. (2020). Strategi Pembentukan Karakter Siswa di SD Negeri Cikokol 4. PANDAWA, 2(3), 439-452.

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