Hambatan-hambatan pada Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Daring di SMA Riyadhul Jannah Jalancagak Subang

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Rd. Muhammad Ilham Saefulmilah1*, M Hijrah M Saway2

1 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 2 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


In an effort to respond to the Minister of Education and Culture circular number 2 (2020), SMA Riyadhul Jannah is still making every effort to realize learning as mandated by the government during this pandemic by maximizing learning with the e-Learning (Online) model, where all teachers maximize learning by use various types of online applications in an effort to deliver a variety of subjects to students. The school also realized it by changing the schedule of teaching and learning activities; educating COVID-19 to all students; and the use of online learning support media. The problems that were the obstacles that the researchers found in the implementation of learning activities of SMA Riyadhul Jannah were taken from the information of three Islamic Education teachers as research respondents. First, the existence of plagiarism behavior, both plagiarism between students, and plagiarism from the internet. Second, there is an inaccuracy regarding the collection of students' answers in completing assignments. Third, there is an internet network (connection) problem experienced by one of the students due to being in a certain location. So that it resulted in him being unable to take part in online learning.

Implementation Learning, Learning, Online Learning, Covid-19

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How to Cite
Saefulmilah, R. M. I., & Saway, M. H. M. (2020). Hambatan-hambatan pada Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Daring di SMA Riyadhul Jannah Jalancagak Subang. NUSANTARA, 2(3), 393-404. https://doi.org/10.36088/nusantara.v2i3.935
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