Pola Penyelesaian Sengketa antar Pemegang Hak pada Lokasi Program Konsolidasi Tanah di Kota Mataram

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Beverly Evangelista1

1 Universitas Teknologi Mataram


One of the mainstay programs of the Mataram city government is to hold a land consolidation (LC) in the area of Karang Pule Village, Ampenan District (lama) and now it is Sekarbela District, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province, but there are many obstacles in the implementation of the LC, especially those that with regard to disputes between “de yure” and “de facto” rights holders at the location of the land consolidation program in Mataram City so it is necessary to understand the dispute settlement pattern. Therefore, in order to accelerate the settlement of land disputes that occurred in Indonesia, including those arising from the implementation of land consolidation, the government issued Regulation of the Head of BPN No. 3 of 2011 concerning Management of Assessment and Handling of Land Cases. Therefore, the authors conclude that the factors causing the Land Consolidation Object Land Dispute in the Karang Pule area are due to two factors, namely juridical factors and non-juridical factors, which then need to be resolved as the mechanism according to KBPN Regulation Number 3 of 2011 concerning Management of Case Studies and Handling. Land and Article 6 paragraph (7) of Law Number 30 Year 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution. From these conclusions, the authors suggest that Land Consolidation Activities should be disseminated as early as possible and the government must actually implement the mechanisms that have been determined according to the provisions of the laws and regulations in accordance with KBPN Regulation No.3 of 2011 and revive the land reform court.

Disputes, Rights Holders, Land Consolidation

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How to Cite
Evangelista, B. (2020). Pola Penyelesaian Sengketa antar Pemegang Hak pada Lokasi Program Konsolidasi Tanah di Kota Mataram. NUSANTARA, 2(3), 447-457. https://doi.org/10.36088/nusantara.v2i3.1039

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