Analysis of Turn-Taking Strategies Used in Jimmy Fallon’s the Tonight Show Interviews

  • Wendi Agustianto Mataram University
  • Sribagus Sribagus Mataram University
  • Lalu Jaswadi Putera Mataram University


This study was aimed at finding out the types of turn taking strategies, how those strategies were used, and what strategies were most frequently used by the guests and the host on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show interviews. Data were taken from five Youtube videos of Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show and analyzed based on the Stenstrom’s theory of turn taking strategies. Findings show that all of the categories of turn taking strategies proposed by Stenstrom are productively used by the guests and the host in the interviews: taking the turn strategy, holding the turn strategy, and yielding the turn strategy. Purposes of using these strategies are to interrupt the speaker in order to arrange the time and content of the conversation, to explain or ask something important to the speaker, to hold the turn and keep talking, to incite the listener to give a respond, and to give signal to the listener to take turn and start to speak. This study also revealed that the most frequently used strategies in the data is the taking the turn strategies which is according to the theory proposed by Stenstrom (1994).

Keywords: Turn-Taking Strategies, Talk Show, Interview
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How to Cite
Agustianto, W., Sribagus, S., & Putera, L. J. (2020). Analysis of Turn-Taking Strategies Used in Jimmy Fallon’s the Tonight Show Interviews. BINTANG, 2(3), 386-403. Retrieved from