Dampak Negatif Pergaulan Bebas terhadap Remaja Menurut Tinjauan Pendidikan Islam di Kelurahan Rembiga Timur Kecamatan Selaparang Mataram

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Satria Umami1*, Aini Husnida Wulandari2

1 Universitas Teknologi Mataram, 2 Universitas Teknologi Mataram


This research is motivated by the influence of teenage promiscuity.It has a big influence on the development of teenagers' personalities, resulting in promiscuous behavior.Teenagers are afraid that they will be imitated by other teenagers, causing it to arise negative impact of decreased performance at school, pregnancy out of wedlock, bad in the opinion of society, problems arise with the family, and sin, with teenagers in Rembiga Village, East Rembiga Environment, Selaparang District. The formulation of the problem in this research is the cause of social interactions promiscuity of teenagers in Rembiga Village, East Rembiga Environment, Selaparang District Mataram and What are the negative impacts of promiscuity on teenagers in terms of Islamic education in Rembiga Village, East Rembiga Environment, Selaparang District. This research method is qualitative research, namely research that understands the phenomena experienced by the research subject, and in what way description in the form of words and language in a special natural context by utilizing various scientific methods. The results of research regarding promiscuity among teenagers in Rembiga Village, East Rembiga Environment, Selaparang District can have a negative impact to teenagers. The causes of promiscuity among teenagers are: Lack of knowledge of religion, weak supervision from parents, Influence of Information and Communication Media, Influence of Social Environment, Lack of attention of parents in East Rembiga Village. Negative impacts promiscuity makes it difficult for teenagers to concentrate on studying, watching films is not good, drinking alcohol and getting pregnant out of wedlock and according to a review of Islamic education, it increases awareness of worship, functions to overcome teenage promiscuity.

Negative Impact of Promiscuity, Teenagers

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How to Cite
Umami, S., & Wulandari, A. H. (2024). Dampak Negatif Pergaulan Bebas terhadap Remaja Menurut Tinjauan Pendidikan Islam di Kelurahan Rembiga Timur Kecamatan Selaparang Mataram. BINTANG, 6(3), 85-97. https://doi.org/10.36088/bintang.v6i3.5627
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