Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Gambar Seri terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi Siswa Kelas V MI Muhammadiyah 1 Payaman

  • A.F. Suryaning Ati MZ Muhammadiyah University of Lamongan


In a learning activity in schools, the role of the media is necessary. With the use of interesting and innovative media can help achieve learning goals set. This study aimed to determine the effect of media use image series of the ability to write a narrative essay V grade students of MI Muhammadiyah 1Payaman. This research is a quantitative research design Posttest-Only Control Design. The population of this study were all students of class V MI Muhammadiyah 1Payaman. Sampling Simple Random Sampling technique was used, consisted of two classes namely class VA and VB totaling 34 students. Data collection techniques using narrative essay writing skills test. The technique of data analysis using t-test formula separated varian. Based on the analysis of the data revealed that the t count > t table with dk = 66 at significance level of 5% is obtained tcount value = 2.105 and ttable = 1.9965. It can be concluded that there is a significant positive media use image series of the ability to write a narrative essay V grade students of MI Muhammadiyah 1Payaman.

Keywords: Picture of Media Series, Writing Ability, Narrative Essay
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How to Cite
Ati MZ, A. (2021). Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Gambar Seri terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi Siswa Kelas V MI Muhammadiyah 1 Payaman. BINTANG, 3(1), 142-152. Retrieved from