Edukasi Hidup Sehat dan Produktif kepada Masyarakat KPM PKH di Desa Sukamulia Timur pada Era New Normal Covid 19

  • Ari Saputra Universitas Gunung Rinjani
  • Taufan Iswandi Universitas Gunung Rinjani
  • Sutarman Sutarman Universitas Bumigora


The development of the Covid 19 outbreak is worrying for all levels of society, including residents in the village of East Sukamulia. This has an impact especially on the economic sector of society. This service aims to educate the public to change their lifestyle to be healthy and productive during the Covid 19 pandemic. This activity conveys a program on how people should interact with healthy daily activities and take advantage of the economic opportunities of Covid 19 to be able to improve their standard of living towards prosperity. . This activity will involve UGR students, PKH assistants, and the village government. The method used in this service is by interviewing and socializing it to KPM PKH. So that with this activity, it is hoped that the community will gain awareness of the importance of a clean and healthy life in the new normal covid 19 period and can productively take advantage of the surrounding conditions.

Keywords: Education, Healthy Living, Covid19
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How to Cite
Saputra, A., Iswandi, T., & Sutarman, S. (2021). Edukasi Hidup Sehat dan Produktif kepada Masyarakat KPM PKH di Desa Sukamulia Timur pada Era New Normal Covid 19. BINTANG, 3(1), 23-33. Retrieved from