Analisis Efektivitas Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SD Negeri Poris Pelawad 03 Kota Tagerang

  • Ina Magdalena Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Ahmad Edo Erdian Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Ragil Marcelino Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang


It has been almost a year for Indonesia to face the Covid-19 epidemic. The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the entire country has disrupted human activities in various sectors, especially education. The Indonesian government issued a policy to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus by imposing Large-Scale Restrictions (PSBB). All basic activities, distance in communication (Social Distancing) and doing work and study activities at home only. The government also urges to carry out the learning process at home only by facilitating Distance Learning (PJJ) solutions in carrying out teaching and learning activities with several main requirements, namely internet networks, understanding the use of smartphone technology, as well as teacher support and the environment. With these requirements, the distance learning process can be carried out. However, the implementation of distance learning also needs to pay attention to the methods and methods of delivering material, especially for students in elementary schools. For this reason, we aim to conduct this research to analyze whether distance learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic can work effectively at SD Negeri Poris Pelawad 3 by using descriptive qualitative research methods and questionnaire data techniques that students fill out via google form. for Children who know the truth about learning during this Covid-19 period.

Keywords: Learning Effectiveness, Distance Learning, Pandemic Covid-19
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How to Cite
Magdalena, I., Erdian, A. E., & Marcelino, R. (2020). Analisis Efektivitas Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SD Negeri Poris Pelawad 03 Kota Tagerang. BINTANG, 2(2), 300-313. Retrieved from

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