Sosialisasi Pengembangan Model-model Pembelajaran yang Mutakhir bagi Guru-guru SD Negeri 1 Jatisela Kecamatan Gunung Sari

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Baiq Yuliatin Ihsani1, Hilmiyatun Hilmiyatun2, Fedya Diajeng Aryani3

1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, 2 Universitas Gunung Rinjani, 3 Universitas Gunung Rinjani


This mentoring program has the goal of increasing the ability of teachers at SDN 1 Jatisela to integrate into a more up-to-date teaching and learning process. In applying the learning model, of course, the teacher's ability to integrate innovative and up-to-date learning models is very much needed. In response to this, assistance is provided to teachers so that they are able to integrate learning models effectively according to the demands of learning in elementary schools. The methods used in this assistance include going through several stages, namely preparation, implementation, evaluation and reflection, and it is hoped that there will be follow-up. The implementation of this community service program has better results and runs smoothly in accordance with the objectives indicated by the ability of the teacher to be able to describe creative, innovative and fun learning models so that students are happier in the teaching and learning process. This activity had a positive impact on both the participants and the team implementing this community service program. Teachers gain knowledge about learning models that are more creative and innovative according to the needs of the times, which are fun, and make students more enthusiastic about participating in the learning process. In addition, the activity participants were also able to develop learning models according to the KD that had been determined so that the subject matter was easier for students to understand.

Learning Model, Innovative, Sophisticated, Elementary Teacher

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How to Cite
Ihsani, B. Y., Hilmiyatun, H., & Aryani, F. D. (2022). Sosialisasi Pengembangan Model-model Pembelajaran yang Mutakhir bagi Guru-guru SD Negeri 1 Jatisela Kecamatan Gunung Sari. ALKHIDMAD, 6(2), 135-142.