Penerapan Teori Belajar Prilaku dalam Meningkatkan Hasil belajar di SD/MI

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Suparlan Suparlan1*

1 STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok NTB


Theory is very much needed in education, with the theory that every problem found by every teacher when carrying out the learning process can be answered. So that the theory in learning itself is really needed by every teacher. The most important principle in behavioral theories is that behavior changes according to direct consequences. Pleasant consequences "reinforce" behavior. Unpleasant consequences “weaken” behavior. Learning is a final assessment of the process and introduction that has been done repeatedly, so that the achievement of learning outcomes that are getting better will be able to shape the student's personality.

Behavioral Theory, Learning Outcomes

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Suparlan, S. (2021). Penerapan Teori Belajar Prilaku dalam Meningkatkan Hasil belajar di SD/MI. ALKHIDMAD, 5(2), 1-9.